Prior to writing her blog entry, “Wood Design Awards: Ann’s picks”, Ann approached me and asked if I would also pick my favorites and write an article on them. The premise was that we were to each keep our selections and articles secret from each other and then publicly reveal and compare.
What a fun exercise.
If you were to compare blog entries you will notice that of the four categories, we each selected two of the same winners. Yet even more hilarious are how identical our reasonings were.
So without further ado!!!
Category: Interior Wood Design Showcase
Building: Eastgate Wood Spiral Stair
Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Designer: Manasc Issac
The Eastgate Office Building’s front lobby staircase is a masterpiece. The 100% wood staircase is reminiscent of something you would see as an art installment rather than stairs within a front lobby. In a building constructed mainly of cold abiotic materials like steel and concrete, the staircase provides a warm natural feel. Because this staircase is made of a biological material it is fitting that is should resemble a strand of double-helix of DNA.
Category: Commercial and Institutional Wood Design
Building: The Valley Zoo Entry Plaza and Wander Path – Edmonton Valley Zoo
Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Designer: DIALOG
Using natural construction materials in a facility that showcases nature was a great choice. This building is my top choice for Commercial and Institutional because it has made use of massive long-span Glulam beams in a very unobtrusive way. Also the floor is made of cumaru, a tree known for its magical properties.
Category: Residential Wood Design
Building: Rideau River House
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Designer: DeJong Design Associates Ltd.
What a tough category to select from. In particular there were two submissions that I had a tough time selecting between. The Rideau river house emerged the victor. It is the arching roofs that pushed this house into my top pick. I’m a real softy for wood beams that have been altered from their original linear form. There are too many gorgeous features in this building for me to write about. The pictures speak for themselves.
Category: Municipal and Recreational Wood Design
Building: Bow River Bridge
Location: Banff, Alberta
Designer: StructureCraft Builders
Finally – Municipal…. These guys are the big guns, the heavy weights, it’s this category where structures need to carry their own weight, where the contestants either sink or swim.
What a spanning introduction to bridge us to our final winner: the Bow River Bridge.
At a slender 4 m wide and 113 m long, the Bow Valley Bridge is one-of-a-kind. The bridge was constructed in three sections: two 40 m cantilevers each fixed to the shoreline, and a single 35 m keystone attaching either end. The photo of a construction worker guiding in the middle segment is priceless.
It was only after making my selections and writing this blog that I found out both this project and the spiral staircase were fabricated by the same firm.

A panel of highly qualified jurors have already made their selections, which will be revealed on March 17 at the Prairie Wood Design Awards Gala right here in Edmonton. If you are interested in attending the gala please contact Barbara Murray at