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Forestry Student Profile: Dylan Eaton - Work Wild

Meet Dylan, an Edmonton-area Grade 12 student who has recently decided that forestry is the career path he wants to pursue.

Quick Facts about Dylan

Three words that describe you: Adventurous, compassionate, and personable.

Favourite subjects in school: Chemistry and woodshop; I spend most of my time in the woodshop.

Favourite tunes: I enjoy most genres of music.

Favourite food: Sushi.


Tell me about yourself. What are some of your interests? 

As a person who thrives in nature, I pride myself on my adventures and accomplishments in the outdoors. My favourite activities include backpacking, snowshoeing, skiing, hiking, mountain biking, trail building, and woodworking. I attribute my love for the outdoors to growing up in the small town of Sechelt on the Sunshine Coast, BC. My playground consisted of remote trails through the temperate rain forest overlooking the Strait of Georgia.

I understand you were a Junior Forest Ranger (JFR) last summer. Tell me about that experience. 

The Junior Forest Ranger Program was one of the best experiences I have had in my life so far. I went into this program with only a basic knowledge about forestry; by the end of summer, I had a wealth of knowledge. I have developed a greater appreciation for the Albertan wilderness through this experience. I stayed at the Peace River Base with a crew of seven and two crew leaders; this place became home.


What sorts of tasks did you do as a JFR?

Throughout the summer we did various work projects, some of which included trail building at Leddy Lake or pine beetle surveys. Our crew was lucky to go for many camping trips and experience many beautiful and remote places.


What did you enjoy the most?

My favourite experience of the entire summer was the mock fire: my crew and I were flown to the fire in a Bell 212 helicopter, and disembarked while the rotors were still in full force. Once we had reached the fire, we set up the pumps and slogged through the muskeg. We soaked the fire with wajex bags and used hand tools to ensure that it would not reignite. An exciting surprise was watching two planes fly overhead and drop fire retardant. Overall, I am very grateful that I was able to have this fulfilling experience, and the knowledge and skills I took from the summer are something I will carry forward in my life.


What advice would you give to another student thinking about applying to be a Junior Forest Ranger?

Learn as much as you can from each individual you meet during the summer and grasp every opportunity that presents itself to you.


You told me you are enrolled in the Forest Technology program at NAIT (Northern Alberta Institute of Technology) next year. What made you decide to pursue that educational path?

After JFR, I knew I wanted to get into wildfire management and other aspects of forestry. I had to decide between the Forest Management program at the University of Alberta and the Forest Technology program at NAIT. I decided to attend NAIT because I would prefer the hands on teaching approach, rather than a program that is mostly classroom learning.

What are you looking forward to the most about studying Forest Technology?

I am looking forward to meeting like-minded people who share my love of the outdoors and expanding my knowledge of forestry while studying Forest Technology.

What are your goals/plans for after you graduate from NAIT?

My plan after I graduate from NAIT is to work for a couple of years, hopefully in wildfire management. After that, I am currently planning to go back to university to get my degree in Forest Management.


What sort of community do you want to live in when you start your career?

I would like to live in a community where I can have a career in forestry and that has many opportunities for me to access outdoor activities.

Describe what your ideal career path might look like long term.

Over the summer I met Owen Cook; he was my area coordinator during my time with the JFR program. He began his career in wildfire fighting, and eventually settled down in Peace River as a Forest Officer. After listening to his work experiences, I could see myself eventually becoming a Forest Officer.


If you are currently enrolled in or thinking about applying to a forestry program, have a look at our long List of forestry scholarships.