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Prairie Wood Design Awards 2016: Andre's Picks - Work Wild

The 2016 Prairie Wood Design Awards are coming soon. As a prelude to the jury’s official selection, here are some of my favorite submissions:

sponsorship image (3)

Category: Residential

Building: Wood Buffalo Way

Location: Ft. McMurray

Designer: Mira Timber Frame

Photography: Real Pics

This newly built dwelling has the feeling of a historic house. The entrance way is a massive 8 foot wooden arched door, reminiscent of the type of door you might find on a castle. The ceiling, composed of white-washed tongue and groove boards, makes the home seem like an old barn converted for modern-day living. The scissor trusses accentuate the openness of the vaulted ceilings. Wood Buffalo Way seems like quite the cozy nest.kitchen2.jpg Timbercloseup.jpg Catwalk01.jpg entry01.jpg

Category: Interior

Building: Taylor Center for the Performing Arts

Location: Calgary

Designer: Pfeiffer Partners Architects Inc

Photography: Courtesy of Pfeiffer Partners Architects Inc

When I think of the orchestra one of the fist images that comes to mind are the bows of all the violins synchronously jumping about. This is followed by the deep mellow tones of the double bass. The fingers of a pianist dancing with lightning speed across keys. There are so many beautiful instruments made of wood. Why is that? Well, wood has some incredible acoustic properties. It therefore only makes sense that a center dedicated to performing arts would consider the acoustic nature of interior design. The photographs speak for themselves. This showroom will surely highlight any performance that may occur within.1.1BellaEntranceDoors.JPG


Category: Institutional

Building: MacEwan LRT Station

Location: Edmonton

Designer: Stantec Architecture Ltd.

Photography: Courtesy of Western Archrib

Wood is a natural organic material. The designers of the MacEwan LRT station have done a great job displaying the very nature of wood. The station’s canopy takes on the form of a wave, a symbol of constant movement and one which represents the transit industry quite well. The warming nature of wood gives this public space a welcoming feeling. Great choice in design and materials.14516_17_18_19_20_21_22Interior2_by_western_archrib.jpg 14544_45_46_47_48_49_50Interior2_by_western_archrib.jpg 13991_2_3_4_5_6_7Interior2_by_western_archrib.jpg (2) 14131_2_3_4_5_6_7Interior2_by_western_archrib.jpg

Category: Recreational

Building: The Public Speaker

Location: Calgary

Designer: Kevin Lo, Justin Loucks, Holly Simon, Phil Wilson

Photography: Stenhouse Photography

Part seat, part gramophone, part art sculpture, and part outreach stint, the Public Speaker takes my pick for recreational wood design. The Speaker was designed on a computer and cut from 27 sheets of plywood using a CNC machine. This piece of crafty woodwork is sure to delight all who care to speak, listen, rest, or just admire.CharBar-042-42.jpg IMG_3209.jpg IMG-20150529-WA0003.jpg IMG-20150602-WA0016.jpg Stenhouse_Photography_CharBar-077-77.jpg

Category: Commercial

Building: Fort McMurray International Airport

Location: Ft. McMurray

Designer: Mcfarlane biggar architects + designers inc.

Photography: Ema Peter Photography

An airport can be a stressful place. People rushing to and fro. Flights to catch, baggage to be mindful of. Why not mix in a little calming woodwork? Well that’s just what the designers of the new Fort McMurray International Airport have done. The use of Mass Timber has really expanded the possibilities for construction. Fort McMurray’s international airport has made the use of glulam beams to span some massive distances. Check out some of the great photos below.17Signage_Photo-by-EmaPeter 11WestFacade.jpg 12DeparturesCurb_Photo-by-EmaPeter 14ArrivalsHall_Photo-by-EmaPeterWell, those are my favorites. We will have to wait until March 8th to find out what the official jury thinks of the 2015 submissions. For more information please contact Barbara Murray at