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Six Jobs That Transfer To The Forest Sector - Work Wild

Alberta’s job market has seen significant changes in the past two years. Many companies have halted hiring, and those that are still hiring are filling positions quickly with access to an eager pool of job-seekers. Fortunately for those seeking work, the forest sector currently employs 15,000 Albertans and continues to post new positions regularly. Below is a list of positions that are transferable to forestry from other sectors:


Skilled Tradespeople 

Millwrights, electricians, heavy duty mechanics, welders, and other tradespeople are critical in keeping mill machinery running smoothly. People who are mechanically inclined and prefer not to spend their days sitting at a desk make excellent tradespeople.

Skilled Trades Alberta



Engineers are math and science whizzes who work to make the process from log to finished product more efficient. They also design machinery, roads, and products. Engineering fields in the forest sector include chemical, electrical, mechanical, civil, and environmental.

Process Engineer Pulp Mill


Power Engineers

Power engineers operate steam vessels and pressurized machinery. They monitor equipment, troubleshoot, and communicate issues to the mill’s maintenance team. This is a hands-on role that ensures mill equipment runs safely and effectively.

Power Engineer Alberta



Mill labour positions are great for people who have a high school diploma and a solid work ethic. These positions offer tremendous opportunity for professional growth to those who are eager to learn. Many companies invest in their labourers, training them in positions like equipment operation, lumber grading, and the skilled trades.

Labourer Alberta


Equipment Operators

There are many types of heavy equipment in forestry, including processors, loaders, and cranes. Safety conscience people with solid hand-eye coordination make excellent equipment operators.

Equipment Operator Alberta


Environmental Scientists

Foresters and forest technologists create long term plans to ensure Alberta’s forests are managed sustainably. They work closely with biologists and hydrologists to examine the forest ecosystem and ensure all environmental factors are considered when harvesting and replanting. Together, these environmental scientists ensure that we balance our need for products with the needs of a thriving forest.

Forester Alberta

The forest sector offers immense opportunity for career growth. On top of that, forestry operations are located in beautiful places surrounded by trees, rivers, and sometimes even mountains. Plus it’s a sustainable sector that plans up to 200 years in the future to ensure future generations inherit a healthy forest. If you’re looking for work in Alberta, check our Job Board regularly to apply for positions throughout Alberta in these and other fields.