It’s a new week and that means another new video from the Alberta Forest Products Association’s #Foresters campaign!

This video campaign was created to help inform the public about the specialized knowledge that professional foresters have and the importance of sustainability in all that they do. If you missed the first or second video released last week, be sure to check them out.

In the newest video released yesterday, we hear from Toni Anderson, a senior resource analyst with Silvacom. She explains how “foresters are directly tied to the landscape” and work to enhance ecosystem services. These services include any benefits that nature provides to us as humans, including fresh water, air quality, and recreational opportunities. It is very important to have professionals like Toni to manage the landscape for ecosystem services now and into the future. 

There can be a misconception that foresters are only trying to manage exclusively for the best timber supply. However, as Toni mentions, these forest management plans are also designed to manage for the conservation and protection of wildlife habitat, clean water sources, and recreational benefits. You can see evidence of these considerations through Alberta forestry companies’ detailed forest management plans

Foresters receive specialized education through accredited programs to learn about these values in depth. Toni attended classes like these at the University of New Brunswick while receiving her degree in forestry. Once receiving a forestry degree the learning doesn’t stop! In order to work in Alberta, foresters must participate in professional development. This program requires all registered professional foresters to attend at least 84 hours of training and learning opportunities related to their field every three years.

Photo: Forest Products Association of Canada

There has been so much to learn already from this campaign and there is more to come! Be sure to follow the Alberta Forest Products Association on Facebook and Twitter to catch the rest of the campaign.