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Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada Post-Secondary Student Support Program - Work Wild

About the program

The program aims to improve the employability of First Nation and eligible Inuit students by providing them with funding to access education and skills development opportunities at the post-secondary level.

Eligible post-secondary levels include:

  • community college and CEGEP diploma or certificate programs
  • undergraduate programs
  • advanced or professional degree programs

The program is administered by the First Nation or the First Nation or Inuit designated organization that determines the funding and selection criteria in accordance with national guidelines. INAC provides funding for this program as part of core funding agreements with Indigenous governments and organizations.

Eligible costs covered by the program may include tuition, books, travel support and living allowances.

The maximum amount payable per full-time student cannot exceed $35,000 per year.

On an extraordinary and justified basis, the maximum amount payable per year for a student in an advanced or professional degree program or a Masters or Doctoral program may exceed $35,000 up to a maximum of $50,000. No student is entitled to this amount.

To ensure that First Nations students have the same opportunities for success as other students in Canada, Budget 2019 invested $320 million over 5 years beginning in fiscal year 2019 to 2020, to renew and expand funding for the Post-Secondary Student Support Program.

Who can apply?

Treaty/Status First Nation post-secondary students who have resided in Canada for 12 consecutive months before the date of their application, and Inuit post-secondary students who have resided in Canada for 12 consecutive months before the date of their application, but who reside outside their territory and are no longer eligible to be funded by their territory.

Funding is limited and not all students may be funded. Partial funding may be provided. Applications are valid for one school year only.


Please contact your local band office or the Inuit designated organization for information on deadlines to apply for funding.

How to apply?

First Nation students who want to pursue post-secondary studies and access available funding programs should contact their local band office, Inuit designated organization or INAC regional office.