There is an impending labour crunch in Alberta. You hear about it constantly, “people are retiring, average age of our industry is 48, next ten years we’ll lose 1\/3 of our workforce, blah, blah, blah”. Basically what it comes down to is that anyone with any kind of experience in a natural resource industry will get to choose whatever job they want 10 years from now. So what’s going to set one company, or even one industry, ahead of all the others? I think it’s going to be the responsibility they’re willing to give you.<\/p>\n
MEANING<\/strong> When you come out of high school, college or university you’re usually brimming with enthusiasm and confidence. I was ready to take on the world and make a difference in the forest. Nobody wants to go to work everyday and not have an impact. Nobody wants to slug away at the same old thing and not achieve anything. You want responsibility and the opportunity to have an impact on the people you work with and the company you work for.<\/p>\n